Minori, (Amalfi coast),
Italy - 15-17 June 2011
Italy - 15-17 June 2011
Second International Symposium on
Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification
Registration is open
To register to GandALF 2011 fill out the form [Word,
OpenOffice, pdf]
and send it to ddellamonica [at] unisa.it.
Please, specify in the subject "registration to GandALF 2011".
The registration fee for GandALF 2011 amounts to 250 euro and
includes: conference participation, proceedings, coffee-breaks, conference banquet, and excursion.
Extra banquet tickets will be available on site at 50 euro each.
The payment of registration fee can be done either cash at the conference site or by bank wire (within May 31, 2011) to the account listed in the registration form.
- You will receive a notification by email of the payment of the registration fees upon receival of the money on our account.
- After May 31, 2011, the only accepted form of payment is CASH.
A partial reimbursement of the registration fees for students will be evaluated at the conference depending on funding availability. Applying students will be required to provide evidence of their status. Further instructions will be given on site at the time of the conference.